Houston Astros 2025 Cash Table
The Houston Astros 2025 cash table, including base salaries, bonuses, & incentives.
2025 Active Roster
Player (26) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Altuve Jose Altuve | LF | 35 | $30,000,000 | $30,000,000 | |
Walker Christian Walker | 1B | 34 | $20,000,000 | $20,000,000 | |
Hader Josh Hader | RP | 31 | $19,000,000 | $19,000,000 | |
Valdez Framber Valdez | SP | 31 | $18,000,000 | $18,000,000 | |
Alvarez Yordan Alvarez | DH | 28 | $15,000,000 | $15,000,000 | |
Montero Rafael Montero | RP | 34 | $11,500,000 | $11,500,000 | |
Paredes Isaac Paredes | 3B | 26 | $6,625,000 | $6,625,000 | |
Caratini Victor Caratini | C | 31 | $6,000,000 | $6,000,000 | |
Dubon Mauricio Dubon | 2B | 30 | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | |
Pena Jeremy Pena | SS | 27 | $4,100,000 | $4,100,000 | |
Abreu Bryan Abreu | RP | 28 | $3,450,000 | $3,450,000 | |
McCormick Chas McCormick | RF | 30 | $3,400,000 | $3,400,000 | |
Meyers Jake Meyers | CF | 29 | $2,300,000 | $2,300,000 | |
Rodgers Brendan Rodgers | 2B | 28 | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | |
Okert Steven Okert | RP | 33 | $1,200,000 | $1,200,000 | |
Scott Tayler Scott | RP | 33 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Brown Hunter Brown | SP | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Wesneski Hayden Wesneski | SP | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Gusto Ryan Gusto | RP | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
King Bryan King | RP | 28 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Arrighetti Spencer Arrighetti | SP | 25 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Blanco Ronel Blanco | SP | 31 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Diaz Yainer Diaz | C | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Smith Cam Smith | RF | 22 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Dezenzo Zach Dezenzo | SS | 25 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Contreras Luis Contreras | RP | 29 | $800,000 | $800,000 |
2025 Injured List
Salaries from players who have been placed on the injured list, still counting against the payroll.
Player (9) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
McCullers Lance McCullers | SP | 31 | $17,000,000 | $17,000,000 | |
Javier Cristian Javier | SP | 28 | $10,000,000 | $10,000,000 | |
Garcia Luis Garcia | SP | 28 | $1,875,000 | $1,875,000 | |
Trammell Taylor Trammell | OF | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Whitley Forrest Whitley | RP | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Dubin Shawn Dubin | RP | 29 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
France J.P. France | SP | 30 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
León Pedro León | OF | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Ort Kaleb Ort | RP | 33 | $800,000 | $800,000 |
2025 Retained
Leftover salaries from players who have been traded or released, or buyouts for declined options.
Player (3) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Abreu Jose Abreu | 1B | 38 | $19,500,000 | $19,500,000 | |
Pressly Ryan Pressly | RP | 36 | $5,500,000 | $5,500,000 | |
Gamel Ben Gamel | LF | 33 | $200,000 | $200,000 |
2025 Minor
Salaries from players currently in the system. denotes a buried salary that counts against the payroll.
Player (1) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Castro Miguel Castro | RP | 30 | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 |
2025 Deferred
Salaries for players who had salaries deferred to the current year. We are NOT counting these against the active payroll.
Player (1) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Greinke Zack Greinke | SP | 41 | $12,500,000 | $12,500,000 |
2025 Signing Bonus
Does not count against team payroll.
Player (5) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Alvarez Kevin Alvarez | OF | 17 | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | |
Millan Anthony Millan | OF | 17 | $472,500 | $472,500 | |
Rojas Juan Rojas | SS | 17 | $447,500 | $447,500 | |
Damian Omar Damian | P | 16 | $397,500 | $397,500 | |
Martinez Santiago Martinez | SS | 17 | $347,500 | $347,500 |
2025 Cash Totals
Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus | |||
Active Roster | $156,375,000 | $156,375,000 | |||
Injured List | $33,675,000 | $33,675,000 | |||
Retained | $25,200,000 | $25,000,000 | $200,000 | ||
Minor | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | |||
Deferred | $12,500,000 | $12,500,000 | |||
Signing Bonus | $3,665,000 | $3,665,000 |