New York Yankees 2025 Cash Table
The New York Yankees 2025 cash table, including base salaries, bonuses, & incentives.
2025 Active Roster
Player (26) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Judge Aaron Judge | RF | 33 | $40,000,000 | $40,000,000 | |
Rodon Carlos Rodon | SP | 32 | $27,000,000 | $27,000,000 | |
Bellinger Cody Bellinger | CF | 29 | $25,000,000 | $25,000,000 | |
Fried Max Fried | SP | 31 | $22,000,000 | $12,000,000 | $10,000,000 |
Stroman Marcus Stroman | SP | 34 | $18,000,000 | $18,000,000 | |
Goldschmidt Paul Goldschmidt | 1B | 37 | $12,500,000 | $12,500,000 | |
Williams Devin Williams | RP | 30 | $8,600,000 | $8,600,000 | |
Chisholm Jazz Chisholm | 2B | 27 | $5,850,000 | $5,850,000 | |
Grisham Trent Grisham | CF | 28 | $5,000,000 | $5,000,000 | |
Weaver Luke Weaver | RP | 31 | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | |
Hill Tim Hill | RP | 35 | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | |
Leiter Jr. Mark Leiter Jr. | RP | 34 | $2,050,000 | $2,050,000 | |
Yarbrough Ryan Yarbrough | RP | 33 | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 | |
Carrasco Carlos Carrasco | SP | 38 | $1,500,000 | $1,500,000 | |
Cruz Fernando Cruz | RP | 35 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Peraza Oswald Peraza | SS | 25 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Reyes Pablo Reyes | 2B | 31 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Volpe Anthony Volpe | SS | 24 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Headrick Brent Headrick | RP | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Domínguez Jasson Domínguez | LF | 22 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Wells Austin Wells | C | 25 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Gomez Yoendrys Gomez | RP | 25 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Warren Will Warren | SP | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Rice Ben Rice | DH | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Cabrera Oswaldo Cabrera | 3B | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Escarra J.C. Escarra | C | 30 | $800,000 | $800,000 |
2025 Injured List
Salaries from players who have been placed on the injured list, still counting against the payroll.
Player (11) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Cole Gerrit Cole | SP | 34 | $36,000,000 | $36,000,000 | |
Stanton Giancarlo Stanton | DH | 35 | $32,000,000 | $32,000,000 | |
LeMahieu D.J. LeMahieu | 3B | 36 | $15,000,000 | $15,000,000 | |
Loaisiga Jonathan Loaisiga | RP | 30 | $5,000,000 | $4,500,000 | $500,000 |
Schmidt Clarke Schmidt | SP | 29 | $3,600,000 | $3,600,000 | |
Brubaker JT Brubaker | SP | 31 | $1,820,000 | $1,820,000 | |
Hamilton Ian Hamilton | RP | 30 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Gil Luis Gil | SP | 27 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Beeter Clayton Beeter | RP | 26 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Cousins Jake Cousins | RP | 30 | $800,000 | $800,000 | |
Effross Scott Effross | RP | 31 | $800,000 | $800,000 |
2025 Retained
Cap breakdowns for players who have cap retained. All count against the team's payroll.
Player (2) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Hicks Aaron Hicks | CF | 35 | $10,785,714 | $10,785,714 | |
Cortes Nestor Cortes | SP | 30 | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
2025 Signing Bonus
Does not count against team payroll.
Player (5) | Pos | Age | Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus |
Cedeno Manny Cedeno | SS | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | ||
Castillo Ruben Castillo | OF | $875,000 | $875,000 | ||
Castillo Isaias Castillo | OF | $750,000 | $750,000 | ||
Bello Carlos Bello | SS | 17 | $400,000 | $400,000 | |
Charles Edison Charles | OF | $300,000 | $300,000 |
2025 Cash Totals
Total Cash | Base Cash | Signing Bonus | |||
Active Roster | $184,100,000 | $174,100,000 | $10,000,000 | ||
Injured List | $97,420,000 | $96,920,000 | $500,000 | ||
Retained | $12,785,714 | $12,785,714 | |||
Signing Bonus | $4,825,000 | $4,825,000 |